Sunday, 16 November 2008

I am getting there.

I haven't updated for quite a while lately, I have been so busy. So here goes.
I have changed quite a lot of diet habits, I no longer have spreads, I use real butter, yes I know its more fattening but its not full of the junk either, I just am careful with it. I am not eating hardly any processed food but have been making our own dinners and freezing them, loads of casseroles and spag bols and soups, I found these lovely bags called soup and store from Lakeland.
Its not all about dieting though, I haven;t lost loads but I feel much healthier, I have had a bad time with asthma but thats sorted out now, I have to be on a steroid inhaler all the time now but its helping so I will stick with it.
Anyway, its not all about dieting as I said, the house needs sorting too, the kitchen has been blitzed, and I mean blitzed, it can take me 10 mins to do a normal clear up, but its been scrubbed from top to bottom, fridges defrosted, floor scrubbed by hands and knees, I don't think there is one part of my kitchen that has not been scrubbed. It looks so clean and tidy and organised, thats how I aim to do the rest of the house, we badly need to de clutter, its going to take a long long time but I aim to do one room a week and we will get there.

I should finish the kitchen tonight, then I can start on the dining room, which will be nice as a dining room instead of a dumping ground.

I will update more later on, I'm off to finish a bit more floor, its back breaking but looks nice.

Tracy x

1 comment:

naomi said...

I love scrubbing the kitchen its so cathartic. My problem is I can't keep it that way. It is too easy to make clutter, and too hard to tidy as I go!
I do exactly the same thing with the butter. Marge is so gross, butter has (I hope) natural sorts of fats, which has to be better than unnatural sorts of fat replacements and butter flavourings. We drink full fat milk too yummy. But I never buy anything that says 'probiotic' or 'healthy living' - they always seem to contain something weird.
Keep going, you're inspiring me!