Saturday, 3 January 2009

Its getting good

Well, I have had an eventful day, well not exactly eventful but I got a lot done, I feel quite energetic today, I even went for a little walk to get some exercise.
I am going to be buying a new fridge soon, I am going for a larder fridge with no freezer seeing as we have a chest freezer so we are eating up whats left in there, so its beef stew and dumplings tonight made with light suet, so I will have one but only one. Fruit and custard for the kids for afters and just fruit for me.
I feel lighter, I know thats ridiculous, but I am feeling really positive today, got so much done.
I stil have not bought my food processor but monday is the day, I will get it then. then a big batch of loads of stuff for the freezer. Its saving so much money being organised and making giant loads of stuff and freezing the leftovers.
I am starting to get tired, but all in all a good day. And look 2 posts in one week, straight after each other, things are looking up.

Thursday, 1 January 2009

It went all to pot but starting again

Well over christmas wasn't good, I was poorly with non stop coughs cold and asthma, I am over it now but still have the feeling drained feeling.
But a new year, new start and all that, I am putting that bad time behind me now.
I have no idea how much I weigh as I don't have scales and next door have broken theres, so a new set of scales for me on monday then. I reckon I might be about the same, I haven't exactly followed the diet but I haven't eaten much either, but then neither have I had the energy to put some oomph into anything.
I am really feeling breathless after a short walk, I am hoping thats the aftermath of the cold and it will go.
Today I had my first healthy dinner from a cookbook that steven bought me for christmas, it was a bulghar wheat salad with a lemon and mint dressing, it was very nice, I have never had bulghar wheat before and I found it very lovely. Definetly having that again.
I did just a tiny bit of exercise too, but I can't do much without getting breathless, I am hoping that improves very soon.
The house went to pot to, what with being poorly, but I have a surveyor coming out soon and so I have to get it reasonable now. I also aim to have a garden that is half decent to sit in by summer.
So here we are again with yet another fresh start, how many fresh starts can a person have I wonder.